Crash Team Rumble Review


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Crash Team Rumble reviewed by Will Borger on PlayStation 5. Also available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox. Narrated by Ronny Barrier.
Crash Team Rumble may not be a traditional Crash game, but it is a very fun one. Some characters and powers definitely seem to be stronger than others based on the fact that the community brings them into every single match, but everything and everyone is viable in the right hands. Matchmaking is a breeze, the maps are absolutely incredible, there’s a lot of depth for those who want to mine it, and it’s easy to lose yourself in the hunt for Wumpa Fruit for hours at a time, especially if you’re playing with friends. Even the cosmetic upgrades are fun to mess around with. But those hours come to a close a bit too soon due to a lack of game modes, limited matchmaking options, and an unlock system that is often downright annoying. That leaves Crash Team Rumble feeling a lot like Wumpa Fruit itself: it’s a great snack, and it’s got a lot of flavor, but you’ll probably be hungry again 30 minutes later. I know I was.


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