
This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Terms of use. (Image: IGDB)Activision Blizzard is implementing a strange new authentication strategy on two of its biggest games: It’s requiring a phone number just to play. Worse, numbers associated with prepaid phones and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) aren’t allowed. Activision kicked
This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Terms of use. Google has announced a raft of Chromebooks from companies like Lenovo and Acer that focus on something new: gaming. Google’s cloud-based operating system gained limited support for Steam earlier this year, but the hardware isn’t powerful enough to run AAA
This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Terms of use. Microsoft has spent the last few years beefing up its subscription-based Game Pass service, and gobbling up game publishers has given it a lot of content to include. The company is currently trying to absorb Activision Blizzard, but regulators have
Audio player loading… After two long years, PAX Aus was finally able to open its doors again in Melbourne this year, and welcomed people in person once again this last weekend (October 8-10).  While this year’s event was perhaps a little more sedate than usual – unlike in previous years, big titles and major publishers
Good news everyone! You can now link together your Steam and PSN accounts. In case you’re not shaking in your boots, screaming and soiling yourself in hype, this means you can claim some super rad free stuff on PC versions of certain PlayStation titles. Snark and sarcasm aside, this marks the latest step in Sony’s