
This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Terms of use. GoG, the video game and film storefront formerly known as Good Old Games, has announced it will offer menstrual leave for employees affected by cycle-related complications.  In a LinkedIn post from earlier this month, GoG stated it would be “giving
Ghostwire: Tokyo’s exploration loop is a brilliantly elaborate conceptual pun. It is this game’s version of the ‘Tower Unfogs Map’ mechanic popularised by Assassin’s Creed. Here, instead of climbing stuff and checking your watch as the camera whips around some murderous aristocrat holding an unlikely pose atop the Bastille (or whatever), you cleanse Torii gates
This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Terms of use. (Photo: Tamara Bitter/Unsplash)There are few things you can do these days without being subjected to ads. Soon, playing console games will no longer be one of them. Sony is working with marketing partners to design in-game ads, according to sources