Intel have chosen an interesting time to launch the Core i9-11980HK, their latest top-of-the-line CPU for gaming laptops. Their 12th-gen Alder Lake chips, after all, are launching in what’s likely a matter of weeks. Why, then, should you drop £4098 / $3400 on a laptop like the MSI GE76 Raider, even if its 11th-gen chip
Korean MMORPG Lost Ark won’t be launching stateside later this year, as announced during E3 2021. Smilegate and Amazon Games are pushing the release into early 2022 to allow ample time to address gameplay and performance feedback from the technical alpha held in June. Doing so gives the teams breathing room to get the game where it
If you feel squicked out looking at a lotus pod or dread seeing a boat covered in barnacles, then congrats, you’re experiencing the maybe-real sensation of trypophobia. It’s one of the phobias coined on the Internet, a fear or unease seeing dense clusters of holes. Perhaps you encountered this with ye olde Photoshopped image of