Pokemon Go Spring into Spring event heralds the debut of Ribombee


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The next event coming to Pokemon Go is Spring into Spring, and it brings cherry blossoms, flower-adorned Pokemon, and a new entry for your Pokedex.

This event will debut the adorable Cutiefly from Pokemon Sun and Moon. The dual-type Bug/Fairy evolves into Ribombee after using 50 candies and is just as cute as its starting form.

With the event, you will also find various Pokemon sporting pink cherry blossoms on their heads. These include Pichu, Pikachu, Raichu, Eevee, and all evolved forms of Eevee. You can obtain a Shiny one of these Pokemon by evolving a Shiny Pikachu or a Shiny Eevee adorned with cherry blossoms. Pikachu and Eevee will be in the wild to catch, so be on the lookout.

Other Pokemon appearing more frequently in the wild include Jigglypuff, Marill, Whismur, and Bunnelby. Pokemon wearing flower crowns will also pop up, so keep your eye out for Buneary, Chansey, and the precious Togetic.

Raids during this time will feature the following Pokemon:

  • One-star: Pikachu adorned with cherry blossoms, Jigglypuff, Eevee adorned with cherry blossoms, and Cutiefly.
  • Three-star: Exeggutor, Alolan Exeggutor, Chansey wearing a flower crown, and Togetic wearing a flower crown.
  • Five-star: Lugia
  • Mega Raids: Mega Medicham and Mega Lopunny

What is an event without a change in egg contents, right? During Spring into Spring, the following Pokemon will hatch from 2km eggs: Eevee adorned with cherry blossoms, Pichu adorned with cherry blossoms, Togepi wearing a flower crown, Azurill, Happiny wearing a flower crown, Exeggcute, Munchlax, Riolu, and Cutiefly.

Rewards for Field Research tasks will be Pikachu adorned with cherry blossoms, Chansey wearing a flower crown, Eevee adorned with cherry blossoms, and Togetic wearing a flower crown.

There will also be a Spring into Spring Collection Challenge which will hand out XP, Stardust, and a Lucky Egg.

During Spring into Spring, you will earn 2× Hatch Candy, enjoy 1/2 Egg Hatch Distance during the event period, and Lucky Eggs will last for one hour.

And finally, and new Avatar item will be available. It’s a pink hoodie featuring Happiny.

Have fun and be safe out there!

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