Dark Souls creator and the president of developer FromSoftware, Hidetaka Miyazaki, has been speaking about Dark Souls 2’s impact on the series, and says that he’s not sure “how or if” the series would have progressed in the manner it did without the divisive second installment. For anyone unfamiliar, Dark Souls 2’s reception amongst the
SHMUP Mania leans on the rewind button and goes all the way back to Space Invaders. On the one hand, it makes things easier for developer DERIK D.F., since the shooter classic isn’t the hardest thing to emulate. But on the other, finding something that modern audiences can get their teeth into is a whole
Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection will include all previously released bonus content for the two games. But developer Aspyr Media has been accused of stealing a player-made mod for this to happen. The creator of the mod has recognized their work, complete with animation issues, in the collection’s announcement trailer. They’re calling upon Aspyr to
The latest video game sales data has come through for the United States from sales tracker Circana for the month of January. Sony’s PlayStation 5 proved to be the best-selling video game system, though the Nintendo Switch performed well, as it was the second best-selling system. The top-selling video game was Activision-Blizzard’s Call of Duty: