In just over a week since the global release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III, the multiplayer experience has showcased an immersive gameplay environment distinguished by its signature fast and responsive movement mechanics, along with tactical enhancements and a refined TTK, urging PlayStation players to navigate fluid and strategic combat scenarios.  Sledgehammer Games has
Bob would be a broken Pokemon character. At a moment’s notice, he can move from Wind to Ground to Fire and even Fighting elements. It’s not just for show: each of these elements gives him powers and – in one case – some snazzy-looking shades. The only downside is that no self-respecting Pokemon would be
Famitsu has published its readers’ most wanted video games charts, and there’s no change at the top for Super Mario RPG, which is now available on the Nintendo Switch family of systems. The reason for it topping the charts this week is that the votes were cast between 1st November and 7th November, so the
Thankfully not a tie-in to a certain 90’s TV show starring he-who-shall-not-be-named, Animal Hospital is far cuter than that. It’s the opportunity to see what it’s like to be a veterinarian, just without the eight years of medical schooling that comes before it. Animal Hospital has a truly weird story that excuses all the vetting.