Cities: Skylines 2 reviewed by Leana Hafer on PC. Cities: Skylines 2 is not the best game in the lineage of Will Wright’s original 1989 classic. The champion is still the original Cities: Skylines, at least for now. If Skylines 2 gets the same incredible post-launch support and additional paid and free content as its
Licensed games tend to fall in one of two camps. There are those that are deeply respectful of their source material, and there are those that take wilful liberties. What makes The Grinch: Christmas Adventures so unusual is that it seems to be, well, both. On one hand, we have levels that are introduced with
Metal Gear has resurrected all sorts of previously dead characters — Colonel Volgin, Liquid Snake, Big Boss — and now it is attempting the most ridiculous resurrection yet: Konami. The company is now trying to claw back some of the goodwill it had before divorcing with Hideo Kojima through nostalgia-fueled rereleases and remakes. Metal Gear
Wizards of the Coast has announced that Magic: The Gathering‘s Fallout crossover will officially launch on March 8, 2024. Magic: The Gathering – Fallout is part of Magic‘s Universes Beyond collection and will celebrate elements of every title since 1997, representing “the first ‘modern view’ of some of the classic Fallout games, including updates to characters and