Produced and written by the legendary Hironobu Sakaguchi, and accompanied by a mesmerizing score from Nobuo Uematsu, Fantasian: Neo Dimension’s release on PS5 is set to enchant both new players and long-time Final Fantasy fans alike. Despite being originally designed for mobile in 2021, Fantasian is a full-scale JRPG with undeniable charm. I recently had
In the last few weeks, I have played a ton of simulator games. Picking out just a couple, and already this month I’ve been running a coffee empire in Espresso Tycoon, and have been employed as ground staff at some airports around the world in AirportSim.  But now I get to be a thief!  I’ll
It has been a long time since there was a new game for Ganbare Goemon, also known as Goemon or Mystical Ninja. In fact, it has been well over a decade. Nevertheless, Konami’s franchise still has some nostalgia for some gamers, so much so that a spiritual successor has arrived to the Nintendo Switch. That
Each week Sony brings PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PlayStation VR, and PlayStation Plus owners new content, add-ons, games, and more. Here is the complete global PlayStation Store update. PlayStation LifeStyle catalogs the PlayStation Store updates for the major regions across the globe. Check back every Tuesday to keep up to date with each week’s PlayStation
Cyberpunk 2077 fans, it would seem, love a good board game. They love em so much, in fact, that a new official one from CD Projekt and Go On Board – inventively dubbed Cyberpunk 2077: The Board Game – has not only surpassed the $100,000 crowdfunding goal its campaign launched with today, it’s raised over
Star Trucker review Part wide-eyed escapism and part muscular, slightly ponderous driving sim, Star Trucker is as much about concentration as it is relaxation. Oh, and preparation – if you don’t want to end up asphyxiating miles away from the nearest cash n’ carry. Developer: Monster and Monster Publisher: Raw Fury Release: Out now On:
Back in my day, coffee wasn’t a big thing. You would either get a cup of instant in the morning, loaded with sugar to get rid of the taste, or you would scavenge something from the local cafe or from a machine in town. And it was just ‘coffee’ then too, cappuccinos or espressos would