The existence of Fallout 5 is yet to be confirmed by Bethesda but we would be very surprise if it wasn’t in the pipeline somewhere given the popularity of the franchise. Fallout 4 was released all the way back in 2015 and the most recent entry in the series was 2018’s online-focused and underwhelming Fallout
After limbering up your spending hand with smaller Black Friday sales in other digital games stores, I hope you’re ready for big one: the Steam Autumn Sale is now on. From now until next Wednesday, Valve’s PC game store has… so many discounts. So many. This brings the start of Valve’s Steam Awards too, with
This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Terms of use. If finding a way to play PlayStation 1 games on a Gameboy Advance was one of your 2021 resolutions, you’re in luck. A modder by the name of Rodrigo Alfonso has hacked a cartridge for the 20-year-old handheld, allowing them
Welcome to the swamp – a beautiful and quiet place. Well.. until the humans arrived and ruined everything. Tomorrow, on November 30, Angry Alligator will finally be launching on PlayStation 4 and be backwards compatible with PlayStation 5. So are you ready to become an alligator  – and hungry for some adventure? It’s time for
Summary First person shooter RPG style game, five cities full of exciting quests, available for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S. One hero saves the world from the attacks of a million zombies Beautiful modern polygon graphics style, dozens of NPC characters and a large number of weapons, cars, collectibles The world is destroyed by a