American Truck Simulator DLC will head to Kansas after Oklahoma


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American Truck Simulator hasn’t yet received its already-announced Oklahoma DLC, but work is underway on the state that will follow it: Kansas. You’ll find a reveal trailer filled with grassy fields and grain silos below.

As the DLC’s Steam page says, Kansas is knwon for “its native grasslands, streams, abundant blue skies, and green grassland vistas.”

I can’t tell if SCS Software are getting faster at adding new states or if it just seems that way because they’re announcing them quicker. Since first releasing in 2016 with California, Nevada and Arizona, they’ve added Montana, Texas, Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Washington, Orgeon, and New Mexico. Perhaps it’s easier to create all these big, flat Midwestern landscapes versus more populous coastal states.

Work continues on the previously announced Oklahoma DLC. Last week, SCS showed some of the new industry types you’ll be hauling for in the region, including a bus factory, municipal depots, and an electrical appliance factory. I love all the screenshots of the beige, functional buildings, and the attention paid to all the unsexy details like chimneys, ventilation systems and roof access ladders.

I wrote yesterday about Steam’s new experimental DLC Discovery hub, and that I was never interested in any DLC for any game, no matter how much I loved the game. Already I’ve realised American Truck Simulator is an exception. It’s about zoning out during long distance drives and so each new state added is irresistible.

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